PowerShell Script to Monitor Active Directory Health
If you manage Active Directory, you know that maintaining its health is crucial to the health of your organization as a whole. You also know that keeping track of all the moving pieces can be challenging. This PowerShell script by Microsoft MVP Sukhija Vikas will check critical areas of AD health, including replication, NTDS, DNS, and more. It’s a great way to start monitoring AD health and can be easily customized to fit your needs.
What this PowerShell Scrip tests and reports
This PowerShell script will check the health of your AD environment and provide you with a report that you can use to identify and resolve any issues. It is designed to run regularly and will check the following items:
- Ping Test all domain controllers
- Test and report NTDS Service Status
- Test and report DNS Service Status
- Test and report Netlogons status
- Test and report Replications status
- Test and report Services status
- Test and report Advertising status
- Test and report FSMOCheck status
The PowerShell Script to Monitor Active Directory Health
This PowerShell can also be downloaded from the PowerShell gallery ADHealthCheckV2. If you are planning to run this script as a scheduled task, please modify the Parameters section, i.e. add the correct SMTP host address, add from email address and recipient email address.
<# .DESCRIPTION Date: 12/25/2014 AD Health Status Satus: Ping,Netlogon,NTDS,DNS,DCdiag Test(Replication,sysvol,Services) Update: Added Advertising Update: 5/3/2021 version2 with parameters to make it more generic #> ###############################Paramters#################################### param ( [string]$Smtphost = $(Read-Host "Enter SMTP Server"), [string]$from = $(Read-Host "Enter From Address"), [String[]]$EmailReport = $(Read-Host "Enter email Address/Addresses(seprated by comma) for report"), $timeout = "60" ) ###########################Define Variables################################## $EmailReport = $EmailReport -split ',' $report = ".\ADReport.htm" if((test-path $report) -like $false) { new-item $report -type file } #####################################Get ALL DC Servers####################### $getForest = [system.directoryservices.activedirectory.Forest]::GetCurrentForest() $DCServers = $getForest.domains | ForEach-Object {$_.DomainControllers} | ForEach-Object {$_.Name} ###############################HTml Report Content############################ Clear-Content $report Add-Content $report "<html>" Add-Content $report "<head>" Add-Content $report "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'>" Add-Content $report '<title>AD Status Report</title>' add-content $report '<STYLE TYPE="text/css">' add-content $report "<!--" add-content $report "td {" add-content $report "font-family: Tahoma;" add-content $report "font-size: 11px;" add-content $report "border-top: 1px solid #999999;" add-content $report "border-right: 1px solid #999999;" add-content $report "border-bottom: 1px solid #999999;" add-content $report "border-left: 1px solid #999999;" add-content $report "padding-top: 0px;" add-content $report "padding-right: 0px;" add-content $report "padding-bottom: 0px;" add-content $report "padding-left: 0px;" add-content $report "}" add-content $report "body {" add-content $report "margin-left: 5px;" add-content $report "margin-top: 5px;" add-content $report "margin-right: 0px;" add-content $report "margin-bottom: 10px;" add-content $report "" add-content $report "table {" add-content $report "border: thin solid #000000;" add-content $report "}" add-content $report "-->" add-content $report "</style>" Add-Content $report "</head>" Add-Content $report "<body>" add-content $report "<table width='100%'>" add-content $report "<tr bgcolor='Lavender'>" add-content $report "<td colspan='7' height='25' align='center'>" add-content $report "<font face='tahoma' color='#003399' size='4'><strong>Active Directory Health Check</strong></font>" add-content $report "</td>" add-content $report "</tr>" add-content $report "</table>" add-content $report "<table width='100%'>" Add-Content $report "<tr bgcolor='IndianRed'>" Add-Content $report "<td width='5%' align='center'><B>Identity</B></td>" Add-Content $report "<td width='10%' align='center'><B>PingSTatus</B></td>" Add-Content $report "<td width='10%' align='center'><B>NetlogonService</B></td>" Add-Content $report "<td width='10%' align='center'><B>NTDSService</B></td>" Add-Content $report "<td width='10%' align='center'><B>DNSServiceStatus</B></td>" Add-Content $report "<td width='10%' align='center'><B>NetlogonsTest</B></td>" Add-Content $report "<td width='10%' align='center'><B>ReplicationTest</B></td>" Add-Content $report "<td width='10%' align='center'><B>ServicesTest</B></td>" Add-Content $report "<td width='10%' align='center'><B>AdvertisingTest</B></td>" Add-Content $report "<td width='10%' align='center'><B>FSMOCheckTest</B></td>" Add-Content $report "</tr>" ################Ping Test################################################################ foreach ($DC in $DCServers){ $Identity = $DC Add-Content $report "<tr>" if ( Test-Connection -ComputerName $DC -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) { Write-Host $DC `t $DC `t Ping Success -ForegroundColor Green Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'GainsBoro' align=center> <B> $Identity</B></td>" Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Aquamarine' align=center> <B>Success</B></td>" ##############Netlogon Service Status################ $serviceStatus = start-job -scriptblock {get-service -ComputerName $($args[0]) -Name "Netlogon" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} -ArgumentList $DC wait-job $serviceStatus -timeout $timeout if($serviceStatus.state -like "Running") { Write-Host $DC `t Netlogon Service TimeOut -ForegroundColor Yellow Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Yellow' align=center><B>NetlogonTimeout</B></td>" stop-job $serviceStatus } else { $serviceStatus1 = Receive-job $serviceStatus if ($serviceStatus1.status -eq "Running") { Write-Host $DC `t $serviceStatus1.name `t $serviceStatus1.status -ForegroundColor Green $svcName = $serviceStatus1.name $svcState = $serviceStatus1.status Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Aquamarine' align=center><B>$svcState</B></td>" } else { Write-Host $DC `t $serviceStatus1.name `t $serviceStatus1.status -ForegroundColor Red $svcName = $serviceStatus1.name $svcState = $serviceStatus1.status Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center><B>$svcState</B></td>" } } ###################################################### ##############NTDS Service Status################ $serviceStatus = start-job -scriptblock {get-service -ComputerName $($args[0]) -Name "NTDS" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} -ArgumentList $DC wait-job $serviceStatus -timeout $timeout if($serviceStatus.state -like "Running") { Write-Host $DC `t NTDS Service TimeOut -ForegroundColor Yellow Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Yellow' align=center><B>NTDSTimeout</B></td>" stop-job $serviceStatus } else { $serviceStatus1 = Receive-job $serviceStatus if ($serviceStatus1.status -eq "Running") { Write-Host $DC `t $serviceStatus1.name `t $serviceStatus1.status -ForegroundColor Green $svcName = $serviceStatus1.name $svcState = $serviceStatus1.status Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Aquamarine' align=center><B>$svcState</B></td>" } else { Write-Host $DC `t $serviceStatus1.name `t $serviceStatus1.status -ForegroundColor Red $svcName = $serviceStatus1.name $svcState = $serviceStatus1.status Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center><B>$svcState</B></td>" } } ###################################################### ##############DNS Service Status################ $serviceStatus = start-job -scriptblock {get-service -ComputerName $($args[0]) -Name "DNS" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue} -ArgumentList $DC wait-job $serviceStatus -timeout $timeout if($serviceStatus.state -like "Running") { Write-Host $DC `t DNS Server Service TimeOut -ForegroundColor Yellow Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Yellow' align=center><B>DNSTimeout</B></td>" stop-job $serviceStatus } else { $serviceStatus1 = Receive-job $serviceStatus if ($serviceStatus1.status -eq "Running") { Write-Host $DC `t $serviceStatus1.name `t $serviceStatus1.status -ForegroundColor Green $svcName = $serviceStatus1.name $svcState = $serviceStatus1.status Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Aquamarine' align=center><B>$svcState</B></td>" } else { Write-Host $DC `t $serviceStatus1.name `t $serviceStatus1.status -ForegroundColor Red $svcName = $serviceStatus1.name $svcState = $serviceStatus1.status Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center><B>$svcState</B></td>" } } ###################################################### ####################Netlogons status################## add-type -AssemblyName microsoft.visualbasic $cmp = "microsoft.visualbasic.strings" -as [type] $sysvol = start-job -scriptblock {dcdiag /test:netlogons /s:$($args[0])} -ArgumentList $DC wait-job $sysvol -timeout $timeout if($sysvol.state -like "Running") { Write-Host $DC `t Netlogons Test TimeOut -ForegroundColor Yellow Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Yellow' align=center><B>NetlogonsTimeout</B></td>" stop-job $sysvol } else { $sysvol1 = Receive-job $sysvol if($cmp::instr($sysvol1, "passed test NetLogons")) { Write-Host $DC `t Netlogons Test passed -ForegroundColor Green Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Aquamarine' align=center><B>NetlogonsPassed</B></td>" } else { Write-Host $DC `t Netlogons Test Failed -ForegroundColor Red Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center><B>NetlogonsFail</B></td>" } } ######################################################## ####################Replications status################## add-type -AssemblyName microsoft.visualbasic $cmp = "microsoft.visualbasic.strings" -as [type] $sysvol = start-job -scriptblock {dcdiag /test:Replications /s:$($args[0])} -ArgumentList $DC wait-job $sysvol -timeout $timeout if($sysvol.state -like "Running") { Write-Host $DC `t Replications Test TimeOut -ForegroundColor Yellow Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Yellow' align=center><B>ReplicationsTimeout</B></td>" stop-job $sysvol } else { $sysvol1 = Receive-job $sysvol if($cmp::instr($sysvol1, "passed test Replications")) { Write-Host $DC `t Replications Test passed -ForegroundColor Green Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Aquamarine' align=center><B>ReplicationsPassed</B></td>" } else { Write-Host $DC `t Replications Test Failed -ForegroundColor Red Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center><B>ReplicationsFail</B></td>" } } ######################################################## ####################Services status################## add-type -AssemblyName microsoft.visualbasic $cmp = "microsoft.visualbasic.strings" -as [type] $sysvol = start-job -scriptblock {dcdiag /test:Services /s:$($args[0])} -ArgumentList $DC wait-job $sysvol -timeout $timeout if($sysvol.state -like "Running") { Write-Host $DC `t Services Test TimeOut -ForegroundColor Yellow Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Yellow' align=center><B>ServicesTimeout</B></td>" stop-job $sysvol } else { $sysvol1 = Receive-job $sysvol if($cmp::instr($sysvol1, "passed test Services")) { Write-Host $DC `t Services Test passed -ForegroundColor Green Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Aquamarine' align=center><B>ServicesPassed</B></td>" } else { Write-Host $DC `t Services Test Failed -ForegroundColor Red Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center><B>ServicesFail</B></td>" } } ######################################################## ####################Advertising status################## add-type -AssemblyName microsoft.visualbasic $cmp = "microsoft.visualbasic.strings" -as [type] $sysvol = start-job -scriptblock {dcdiag /test:Advertising /s:$($args[0])} -ArgumentList $DC wait-job $sysvol -timeout $timeout if($sysvol.state -like "Running") { Write-Host $DC `t Advertising Test TimeOut -ForegroundColor Yellow Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Yellow' align=center><B>AdvertisingTimeout</B></td>" stop-job $sysvol } else { $sysvol1 = Receive-job $sysvol if($cmp::instr($sysvol1, "passed test Advertising")) { Write-Host $DC `t Advertising Test passed -ForegroundColor Green Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Aquamarine' align=center><B>AdvertisingPassed</B></td>" } else { Write-Host $DC `t Advertising Test Failed -ForegroundColor Red Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center><B>AdvertisingFail</B></td>" } } ######################################################## ####################FSMOCheck status################## add-type -AssemblyName microsoft.visualbasic $cmp = "microsoft.visualbasic.strings" -as [type] $sysvol = start-job -scriptblock {dcdiag /test:FSMOCheck /s:$($args[0])} -ArgumentList $DC wait-job $sysvol -timeout $timeout if($sysvol.state -like "Running") { Write-Host $DC `t FSMOCheck Test TimeOut -ForegroundColor Yellow Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Yellow' align=center><B>FSMOCheckTimeout</B></td>" stop-job $sysvol } else { $sysvol1 = Receive-job $sysvol if($cmp::instr($sysvol1, "passed test FsmoCheck")) { Write-Host $DC `t FSMOCheck Test passed -ForegroundColor Green Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Aquamarine' align=center><B>FSMOCheckPassed</B></td>" } else { Write-Host $DC `t FSMOCheck Test Failed -ForegroundColor Red Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center><B>FSMOCheckFail</B></td>" } } ######################################################## } else { Write-Host $DC `t $DC `t Ping Fail -ForegroundColor Red Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'GainsBoro' align=center> <B> $Identity</B></td>" Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center> <B>Ping Fail</B></td>" Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center> <B>Ping Fail</B></td>" Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center> <B>Ping Fail</B></td>" Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center> <B>Ping Fail</B></td>" Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center> <B>Ping Fail</B></td>" Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center> <B>Ping Fail</B></td>" Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center> <B>Ping Fail</B></td>" Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center> <B>Ping Fail</B></td>" Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor= 'Red' align=center> <B>Ping Fail</B></td>" } } Add-Content $report "</tr>" ############################################Close HTMl Tables########################### Add-content $report "</table>" Add-Content $report "</body>" Add-Content $report "</html>" ######################################################################################## #############################################Send Email################################# if(($Smtphost) -and ($EmailReport) -and ($from)){ [string]$body = Get-Content $report Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $Smtphost -From $from -To $EmailReport -Subject "Active Directory Health Monitor" -Body $body -BodyAsHtml } ####################################EnD################################################# ########################################################################################
In conclusion, the PowerShell Script to Monitor Active Directory Health can be a great tool for keeping your Active Directory environment running smoothly. By monitoring various aspects of Active Directory health, you can proactively address any potential issues before they cause major problems. This script can save you time and money by helping to keep your Active Directory running smoothly.